Massage shop-5896

Business # : 5896


Location :

Category : Massage
Price : $ 220 000

Weekly Takings : $ 0.00

Description :


Max Therapy/Ma's Massage adapts Traditional Chinese Acupressure massage, is uniquely created all by Mark Ma during his 35 years clinic practice. It has its own school- Max Therapy Institute. Ma's Massage techniques are manually manipulating soft tissue (such as muscles, tendons and ligaments) and working directly on the affected area so people get better quickly. It has over 20 chain shops in Melbourne shopping centres. Thus, they want to have 5 mores chain shops in the marketing now. The head office is responsible for all skills, service and management training, business manager will help to manage the shop, investors is easy to control, fit for 163 invertor immigration.

Sale Price: $220,000-$450,000

Contact: Wei Zhang  0431 676 282

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